Words from a client who is “in it”

I truly think that I have the best job in the world. On a daily basis I am able to see people go through beautiful transformations.

I’m not talking about toning up, weight loss, or looking great in a bikini (yes, that does happen here and it’s awesome!) I am talking about honest to goodness transformation.

Transformation from the inside out.

Changing thought processes.

Increased confidence, energy, and zest for life.

It is absolutely amazing and I absolutely love it.

Recently, I had the opportunity to talk with one of our clients who had gone through our KickStart Program.

This individual had gotten great results in our program and was going to continue on in a training program with us. She had tried many health and fitness programs in the past and nothing had ‘stuck’ for her.

Now I know that you can have the best health and fitness program in the world, but if you don’t address what is going on with the mindset eventually, the client is going to fall off the wagon.

In this conversation, I was pushing this individual to share with me her reasons WHY her healthy habits were going to ‘stick’ this time.

Her reasons were so powerful – she was getting excited and talking fast.  She had just completed a very focused 4-week program to establish healthy habits, had gotten great results, and was on a bit of a health and fitness ‘high’.

I knew this positive energy and her words needed to be captured – bottled up and saved for later.

I asked that she write a letter to herself with WHY she wants to commit to healthy living for the rest of her life.

This is a letter that she will be able to go back to when the going gets tough – and it will get tough. When she just isn’t feeling it and the couch is looking better than the gym and cookies are looking better than the salad.

The purpose of this WHY letter is to help recenter and refocus her on what is most important in her life.

“Why did I begin this journey?  Why am I doing this?  How did I get here?  

I want to be strong, and be a better role model for my daughter.  If she can go through what she has had to endure this year physically, and do it with such grace and strength and positivity, I must do better.   


I want to feel better, healthier, more capable.  

I don’t want to feel like I can’t keep up with my family.  I don’t want to sit on the sidelines anymore.  

When we went hiking and I could barely make it up and down the trail, I can’t ever go back to that.  Knowing they were going slower than they wanted, waiting for me to catch up.  Knowing my heart rate was probably too high for such a simple hike, and that meant I was more unhealthy than I ever wanted to admit.  

Watching my husband and daughter play soccer out back, and me feeling exhausted from doing absolutely nothing, knowing I cannot begin to keep up with them…

I can’t go back.  

I won’t go back.  

I want to show my daughter what strength is, I want her to know and see her mom is healthy and strong.  

The days of feeling like “I can’t” to so many things have to be over.  

I want to feel proud of how I look, and know I am capable of doing anything.

I want to be healthy inside and out.

It’s only been 4 weeks, and I see and feel the changes.  I am getting there.  

Slowly, day by day, week by week, I am getting there.  

It’s worth every meal cooked, every workout struggle, every dollar spent, every hour taken away from home, taking time for myself.   

I am doing it for my family and for a better quality of family life.   

I am doing it for me, for my health, for my self-worth, for my tomorrow.”

This letter is incredibly powerful. This individual is finally internalizing that she doesn’t go to the gym to lose weight or to look better. Healthy eating isn’t about getting that bikini body.

It is about doing all of the things in life that you want to do without any limitations.

It is never going to be easy -every workout struggle, prepping meals when you aren’t feeling it, and drinking all that water is HARD! But the reward on the back end is more than worth it in the long run.

These short term sacrifices help you live the life you love.

A life that sets your soul on fire.

This client is ‘in it’ right now.  She is still just at the start and the start is so hard.  Everything is new and those old habits can look so comforting and appealing.

She is going to stick with it. And it will get easier.

Workouts will become more enjoyable. She will begin to look forward to them.  Eventually.  And she will begin to:

Enjoy the feeling of sweat on her body.
Enjoy the feeling of breathing hard.
Enjoy feeling strong and in control.

And when the going gets tough, she can re-read this letter and remember why she started this in the first place.  And recommit.

When it feels like she is trading time for the gym for time at home she will remember that the time trade isn’t gym for family time.  The time trade is gym for the life she wants to live.  

This client’s letter inspired me. This is my WHY: to help people realize that healthy living is about doing (and enjoying) all of the things you want to do in life without any limitations. Because I believe that when people are living their best life, the world will be a better place.  And even if we can impact the lives of just a few people, the ripple effect that their transformation has created will impact many more.  

I hope that it has provided some inspiration for you today as well.  

Take Care,


Ready to start thinking about your WHY? Watch this:

This 20-minute goal setting workshop has the potential to change everything! We will cover:

  • One single strategy that will instantly make you 42% more likely to accomplish your goals.
  • How to quit proof your goals to ensure you achieve and sustain them.
  • A simple but powerful principle to enable you to stop procrastinating and enable you to take massive action
  • Clarity on the next steps you need to take to start accomplishing the things that matter most so you can stop drifting and start creating the life you want.

Gain confidence, increase your momentum and add more awesomeness to your life.  Watch Here!

Inspired to get started now? Download this free QuickStart Guide:

This free QuickStart Guide that has been used by many of our clients and is proven to increase your energy levels and help you feel great.  This free QuickStart Guide includes a full 7 day whole foods based meal plan, a simple to implement exercise plan, 18 delicious whole foods based recipes, and daily encouragement from our trainer team to help you stick with the program.

Want more support? Join our free Facebook Group:

Join our free private FaceBook Group – Healthy Living with Wilcox Wellness & Fitness to connect with us live.  Daily we post all things healthy living – pro tips for healthy living, recipes, and weekly workouts for you to do at home.  We will answer any question you post and we encourage you get involved in the discussion.

Paige Wilcox

About Paige Wilcox

This blog, Inspire Healthy Living is focused on actionable strategies for healthy living that are going to make a major impact on your life. I will be working with our trainer team to cover a broad range of health and fitness topics that can be easily integrated into your daily life. At Wilcox Wellness & Fitness, we are passionate about helping people live their very best life and we believe that the foundation for your best life starts with a commitment to healthy living.